Proposition KK
Who Put This on the Ballot: Passed by the General Assembly.
How I Am Voting and Why: I am voting yes. This 6.5% tax on the sale of firearms and ammunition will fund crime victim services, veterans mental health care, children and youth behavioral heath care, and school security. Without this tax, we would likely need to increase taxes in order to pay these costs.
Blue Book Entry:

Yes! on Prop KK: "Background"
Yes! on Prop KK: "Proposition KK: Frequently Asked Questions"
NRA: "Colorado: Excise Tax and Mandatory Storage Bills Introduced"
Reason: "Colorado Proposition KK would levy tax on rearms dealers, manufacturers, and ammunition vendors"
Moms Demand Action: "Here is Everything You Need to Know About Colorado’s Groundbreaking Ballot Measure, Prop KK"
Denver7: "Proposition KK: An excise tax on gun shops that would fund mental health services"