Proposition 130
Who Put This on the Ballot: Placed on ballot by citizen initiative: special interest group. This measure was run by Michael Fields (the same guy who ran the proposed ballot measures that caused us to have a complete panic and a Special Session on property taxes), and not in coordination with law informant or government entities making this request. I have called Michael Fields multiple times to talk directly about this issue to try to understand the motivations behind this ballot measure, and he has yet to respond, nor can I find any discernable information anywhere about any motivation. I assume that it was run so that someone can say Democrats do not "Back the Blue" which is wholly untrue in this state.
How I Am Voting and Why: I am voting yes, because I am member of the Law Enforcement community and in solidarity to support this community. However, I COMPLETELY disagree with any measure that specifies a large amount of money that needs to be spent on entities outside of our state government with state tax dollars that have been collected from you. This is antithetical to the separation of powers between the state and local governments and does not have any balance of increased revenue to pay hundreds of millions of dollars to something that is not a state function. We literally have no idea what state government function we would need to cut in order to fund this. Furthermore, this type of effort is literally what your property taxes pay for.
Blue Book Entry: